Windows Phone 8 – thoughts after using for two weeks

I mentioned previously that I had switched from Android to Windows Phone (previous post). Now I’ve had some time with it and figured I’d inform you how I was getting along.

My Homescreen on phone 6-29

My Home screen on phone 6-29

This is the current view on the first half of my home screen. I have changed it quite a bit through the short time I have had it as I either find other apps I prefer or information I’d rather see in a larger or live tile.

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Switching – Android to Windows Phone

I’m making the switch to Windows Phone. I’ve been an Android user for a bit now and it has some good things in it, but perhaps its more the phone I’ve had, but it crashes too much. I’m not even a heavy user of the phone, I’ve just been really disappointed.


I know Android can be good, I have a Nexus 7 and it is terrific. So it might be that this phone has the older operating system (2.3 Gingerbread) so that is why it fails so bad or it might be the phone itself. It seemed like a good time to jump into Windows Phone.

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