Shopping – prefer online, off or combination?

Since the rise of the internet, shopping has become a huge part of being “online”. Are we looking at the end of physical stores or is online shopping just a fad?

I spent my youth without the internet even forming a thought in our minds, but if you are under 25, you probably don’t know what life is like without the internet. Let me tell you, it was both more fun and less fun at the same time.

Shopping in only physical stores meant you could only buy what was available in the store. Sure some may have had catalogs (look it up if never heard of them) to get items not usually carried in the store, but for the most part it was store stock only. In addition, you had a variety of specialty stores to choose from. Stores that specialized in clothing, toys, electronics and hobbies. Sure, some of that exists now, but more often than not, these days it is a world of big box stores and little else.

Another benefit to physical stores is being out with people. Now I’m not the most social person, but just seeing people enjoying themselves out was cool, it was where it was at. In my day, kids hung out at the malls. Now where do you hang out? Tiktok? Instagram? By yourself (or virtually with your friends)?

The smaller shops and more specialized shops just can’t attract enough business in today’s climate with the internet just a click away. Even bigger specialty stores are having a difficult time. I used to regularly shop at Best Buy, not always to buy something but to look at things I might want. Video games, DVDs, CDs and software were some things you would look for besides the electronics like TV’s and radios. Now Best Buy has done away with most of those easy to purchase items and mostly only carry large ticket items (with some exceptions). There is NO REASON to go there unless you need an appliance or tv for example.

Online shopping (among other tech advances) have done away with what made shopping enjoyable. What fun can be had shopping online using a computer or your phone and getting said item in a day or two? It’s just spending money. You might enjoy the items, but the act of locating them, that joy is gone.

More often than not, at least in my case, you shop for what you need. Just browsing (ironically being on the internet) an online store is chaotic. You can use search to find items, but still have to have some idea of what you are interested in buying. Amazon, Temu, Overstock and most online stores try to be all to everyone. There is TOO MUCH STUFF (and much of it not really good quality).

Because of the big boys just mentioned, it is more difficult to find smaller websites that carry quality items at reasonable prices, but not so much choice you can’t make up your mind. I have found items online I can’t find in person, but that doesn’t mean we should lose physical stores.

Unfortunately, with the move towards digital products, the stores that should still exist can’t, the product doesn’t exist any longer (video games, dvds, cds). It is a sad time for retail. We are moving towards a more isolated society. You stay in your little cocoon of a home and connect via devices to your friends and family. It just so detached. You get your food delivered, your products delivered, and you work from home, why go anywhere?

It isn’t very much fun to me and as I mentioned I am not a very social person. Perhaps I am showing my age, but while I do purchase some items online (mainly out of necessity), I prefer to do so in person when I can. Aside from groceries, there is little reason to get out in today’s world.